Sunday, 16 January 2011

Happy New Year

Lets all hope 2011 is an excellent year.
We all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Although not a huge fan of Christmas being Pagan! *rolls eyes*
Christmas these days has lost its true meaning. I find that irrevocably sad. The kids had been spoilt all year with clothes, toys, trips and holidays, so we cut back on the presents for Christmas as they simply don't need anything.

Work was so busy up to Christmas, not just online but on the market stall too. This year is going to be even more hectic with more Jewellery Parties, regular stalls and I'm back work at the magazine again after a well earned break.

I've started my Hydrotherapy this month to strengthen my core muscles which are very weak. I'm pre-diabetic so I have no choice but to lose weight. I was told by my consultant that those who have gestational diabetes during pregnancy are at a higher risk of developing the disease later on. Damn straight I had it four times!!!

I haven't done any work in the Studio this year, no not because I'm lazy, I've a prolapsed disc and on crutches again. I tried to get in there and do some work today but hurt myself climbing up onto the work station so perhaps another day. I've got some murrini from the USA that I'm going to play with. I have to design some sort of device to keep the chips warm. Check out some murrini work on this page

I think it's time to put my feet up and read my kindle..ploughing my way through Anne Rice Literary Delights