Monday, 26 April 2010

after 17 days

It's finally coming to a close until next time...*sighs*

I'm writing up my article for the Magazine now I have a clear head and not in so much pain gaaah! Hoping to get it finished today.

Very proud of my latest project I really love it. Sometimes I make something yet I wouldn't wear it, not because I dont like it, just that it is not my style. I prefer a much bolder piece of Jewellery..hardly anything delicate about me lol!

to be cont...

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Fibromyalgia and daily doings

It's taken over my life at present. In mid flow of a flare up. Monosodium Glutamate seems to be one of my triggers so I will have to scour food contents for this ingredient, it seems to aggravate my illness ten fold!

So, back to my Rheumatologist and referal to the pain clinic I shall go. The new painkillers have worked wonders today though, going from a pain level off the scale to a 2!

My work for the magazine is slowly coming but I am at the mercy of my body and this rotten illness.

My amazon ordered arrived today so while I'm taking it easy I can read my new books so it's not all bad. Plus I can indulge in my lampworking books too :-)

After the Flame off it has been decided that my next hobby shall be indeed working with Glass and making Lampwork Beads. Thankfully I've managed to persuade a good buddy of mine to do some basics with me in return for some silver work tuition from me great trade me thinks. I need to have a decent play before I shell out on some cash for all the equipment that I'll need. Already talked with the hubby about the redesign of my studio so it seems I can easily fit in both, Lampworking and Silversmithing in one area! With the full backing of my husband and family.

Right, time to go and rest now

Adios folks


Friday, 16 April 2010

Flame off!

Getting all my things ready for the Flame off tomorrow to meet some of my new buddies there! Ceri and Fay coming along for the ride too. Tomorrow I shall try not to set anyone on fire but I will have a play hopefully!

I'm leaving my credit card at home too! Very dangerous thingie to have with me while visiting other creative people and their wares arggh!!!!!! Although my bank will rub their hands with glee..

Projects for the magazine nearly finished I'm kinda pooped. I think a cuddle with my hubby and we shall settle down for a Vampire Diaries festie

A big shout to Emily Skull and Crossbuns for blogging my work and for me finding this blog today I know you had more questions than question time but I prefer this blog to the other one I had. Although I'm still trying to fathom it out LOL

I will be working on more beaded jewels soon once I get my committments finished with.

Adios folks


Need a break

Spent a while faffing with these buttons!!! I wonder if there is anymore cake left?

I have no idea what I am doing..

Well sort of..only a little..